Support Services
PCBDSN currently does not offer Case Management Support Services. However, if you need assistance with enrolling for services, please refer to the information provided below.
The South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (DDSN) is the state agency that provides services to children and adults with severe, lifelong disabilities.
DDSN serves people in 7 different categories of eligibility
Intellectual Disability
Related Disability (i.e., a disability related to an Intellectual Disability)
High Risk Infantli>
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Head Injury
Spinal Cord Injury
Similar Disability (i.e., a disability similar to a head [traumatic brain] or spinal cord injury)
To be eligible for DDSN services, you must be domiciled in South Carolina and be confirmed by DDSN to meet criteria for at least one of the noted disability categories.
Apply Today
By Phone, Toll Free at:
Available 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday
Please read this entire page. It tells you important information you need to know before you call.
How to request DDSN Eligibility:
Call Toll Free 1-800-289-7012, Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
Have the following information about the applicant available:
Full Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Medicaid Number if Medicaid eligible
Home Address
Phone Number
E-mail Address, if available
Plan to spend about 15 minutes on your call.
You will be asked questions to establish your residency in South Carolina.
You will be asked questions to get general information about your disability.
You will be asked to select three (3) Intake Service Providers from a list read to you over the phone. The Intake Provider will help you through the Eligibility process at no cost to you. DDSN will contact the Intake Service Provider(s) you choose.
You will receive a letter from DDSN confirming your application for DDSN eligibility.
The Intake Service Provider you choose or an Autism Eligibility Coordinator will contact you by telephone within two (2) weeks and will provide you information and collect medical and educational records needed by DDSN to determine eligibility.
Once appropriate records are submitted by the Intake Service Provider or the Autism Eligibility Coordinator, DDSN will notify the applicant in writing of their eligibility status.